Better Fathers.
Brighter Futures.

“I got into this program because I wanted to understand how I could raise my child differently than the environment I was raised in.”
— Jonathan Johnson

The positive effect of a father in the home can’t be understated.
Children are more likely to stay in school and out of prison. They’re less likely to abuse drugs or alcohol. They live healthier lives — both mentally and physically. Unfortunately, fatherless homes are still quite common.
The Dovetail Project, created in 2009, is dedicated to giving young fathers a chance to break the cycle. We provide young fathers – ages 17 to 24 – with the skills and support they need to be better fathers for their children and better men in their communities.

Children with a father in their lives are:
How Dovetail Makes a Difference
Our detailed 12-week program helps young, high-risk fathers gain a better understanding of the responsibilities of fatherhood and their importance in the lives of their children. We focus on three key areas:
Be Present.
Providing young fathers with a background in felony street law to avoid incarceration and stay present in their children’s lives.
Be a Provider.
Helping young fathers to finish their education and find employment.
Be a Parent.
Teaching young fathers the basic skills they need to raise their children.

“Dovetail made me look at things differently. It helped me to realize what a real parent is and what that truly means.”
— Dantrel Blow